Office 365 and Total Access Emailer



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    Darryl Rowe

    Indeed. We haven't purchased it as of yet because my question is:

    How does Total Access Emailer work with Sender Policy Framework, Domain Keys Identified Mail and Domain Message Authentication Reporting? We had no problems last month in monitoring mode and are now in quarantine mode. We will probably switch to rejection mode in another couple of months.

    We have already seen a great decrease in BEC and other spoofed email.

    And, normally, in the past we hunted down email relays and terminated them....with extreme prejudice.

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    As an update, we never did get assistance from FMS in getting this setup correctly. It's clear there are too many variables in the equation for them to devote the resources to helping clients manage/address them all. That's fine. But they need to change their advertising to reflect that this product MAY work with your configuration in Access 2016. We abandoned using Access altogether and went to a web based system at a considerable cost. Would have been nice to skip trying to buy/use this product to solve our problem beforehand though. In full disclosure: FMS refunded our purchase price for Total Access Emailer.

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