Trouble adding attachments
I am trying to create/ add an attachment. I have followed the manual the best I could but I keep getting an error message.
In the attachment specifications I have the following: Type: Report, Name: Dues Not Paid Letter. If I select not filter and then run a preview I am asked for the parameters as follows: Dues Amount (I enter $45) then I am asked for Dues Year (I enter 2019). The screen runs through the 26 members not paid but then I get the following Message: The Query [Dues Not Paid Letter] expects parameters or the email [Email] does not exist.
If I select "One Field" with Report Field: Email, and Data Source Field: Email then run the preview I am not asked for parameters and I get the message: The Query [Dues Not Paid Letter] expects parameters or the email [Email] does not exist.
When I open the query Dues Not Paid and run the query it returns the 26 members with their correct email addresses.
Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong and how to correct this problem.
I also followed the manual and added a No Data Event to the report.
Thank you
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