Total Access Components allows you to enhance your Microsoft Access applications with amazing visual effects, interactive features, integration with the operating system, and other enhancements that are sure to amaze your users, co-workers, clients and boss!
How do you Resize Forms on Open with Total Access Components?
After initializing the Resizer object in the form's Form_Load event, one should use this code to run the Resize event to set to the initial size, then the move command to reset its dimensions:
Me.Move intLeft, intTop, intWidth, intHeight
where the values for the Move command are the Left, Top, Width and Height of the new size.
These values can be retrieved from the form through the Window properties.
Add this code in the form's Form_Unload event to see the values in the Immediate Window:
Debug.Print "Left", "Top", "Width", "Height"
Debug.Print Me.WindowLeft, Me.WindowTop, Me.WindowWidth, Me.WindowHeight
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