Total Access Components allows you to enhance your Microsoft Access applications with amazing visual effects, interactive features, integration with the operating system, and other enhancements that are sure to amaze your users, co-workers, clients and boss!
When using Total Access Components, how can I switch between tabs on the FMS Tab control with the keyboard? How can I use the tab key to set focus from the Total Access Components FMS Tab control to another control?
With Total Access Components when you use the FMS Tab control, certain keyboard navigation shortcuts are not built in.
If you would like to set the focus to another control when the tab key is pressed, please use the following code. This code is written to be pasted into tab demo 2 in the components demo. Specifically, you will have to update the field named "txtCAStreet" to the name of the control which you want to receive the focus.
Private Sub tabAddress_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer) If (KeyCode=9) And (Shift=0) Then 'move to next control txt CAStreet.SetFocus End If End Sub
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