Total Access Speller is an add-in for Microsoft Access that makes it easy to spell check your object properties and designs.
Total Access Speller Versions for Microsoft Access 2010 and 2013.
Total Access Speller checks your Access objects and properties to help you avoid typos. Quickly spell check and fix all your label captions, title bars, status bar text, validation rule text, etc. to avoid embarrassing typos. Examine your tables, fields, queries, forms, reports, controls, embedded macros, etc.
Total Access Speller should be part of your quality assurance process to avoid mistakes that hurt your reputation. Many new features were added since the 2007 version:
Expanded features include:
- Total Access Speller 2010 and 2013 each includes support for the 32 and 64 bit versions of Microsoft Access 2010 and 2013.
- The setup program and add-in supports installation for the machine or user. This allows Total Access Speller to run for users with or without administrator permissions as set under Windows User Account Control (UAC).
- A new option is available to exclude controls with Visible property set to 'No'. This avoids spell checking controls that users never see. Labels associated with controls that are invisible are also excluded.
- On the Property List, a new checkbox column shows whether the property is a built-in property or one added by you.
- Updated user manual and helpfile.
A free demo is available.
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