Here are some of our resources to help you better understand and use Microsoft Access queries across all MS Access versions:
Retrieving Records
- Microsoft Access Query Tips and Techniques (SQL and VBA) (featured on MSDN)
- Microsoft Access and SQL Server Database Normalization Tips
- Using a Microsoft Access Crosstab Query to Create Monthly Summary Reports without Code
- Difference Between "Unique Values" (SELECT DISTINCT) and "Unique Records" (SELECT DISTINCTROW) in Microsoft Access Queries
- Microsoft Access/SQL Server Not-In Query Tip: Finding Records in One Table but Not Another with Outer Join Queries
Quickly find missing and orphaned records. - Sorting on Multiple Date (or Numeric) Fields with Blank Values
- Microsoft Access Union vs. Union All SQL Query Syntax
Modifying Data with Queries
- Microsoft Access Append Query Examples and SQL INSERT Query Syntax
- Microsoft Access Update Query, SQL Syntax, Examples and Errors
- Microsoft Access Delete Query, SQL Syntax, Examples and Errors
- This Recordset is not updateable: Dealing with Non-Updateable Microsoft Access Queries
- Suppress Warning Messages When Running Microsoft Access Action Queries Programmatically in VBA
- Returning the Number of Records or Rows Affected by an Action Query in Microsoft Access with VB6/VBA
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