Total Access Analyzer is the world's leading Microsoft Access add-in product and designed to help you create better Microsoft Access solutions through comprehensive documentation and analysis. Total Access Analyzer offers more than 380 Reports, making it the most power documentation and analysis program for Microsoft Access professionals.
What version of Total Access Analyzer do I need? What versions of Microsoft Access does Total Access Analyzer support?
Total Access Analyzer is Access Version Specific
Because of the differences between Access versions and Total Access Analyzer's documentation of properties and features unique to each Access version, Total Access Analyzer is Access version specific and does not support other versions of Access. For example, Total Access Analyzer 2013 only works as an add-in in Microsoft Access 2013.
Access Analyzer Supports Every Database Version Your Access Version Can Open
Total Access Analyzer can document databases in any format that is supported by your corresponding Access version. For example, with Access 2003, Total Access Analyzer 2003 documents 2000 and 2002-2003 databases.
Similarly, with Access 2013, Total Access Analyzer 2010 documents databases that are in Access 2000 format, Access 2002-2003 format, and ACCDBs created in Access 2007, 2010 or 2013. Note that Access Data Projects (ADPs) are not supported in Access 2013, so if you need to document ADPs, the Access 2010 version is the last one that supports it.
Total Access Analyzer Versions
The following versions of Total Access Analyzer are available:
- Total Access Analyzer 2016 supports Access 2016, 32 and 64 bit versions
- Total Access Analyzer 2013 supports Access 2013, 32 and 64 bit versions
- Total Access Analyzer 2010 supports Access 2010, 32 and 64 bit versions
- Total Access Analyzer 2007 supports Access 2007
- Total Access Analyzer 2003 supports Access 2003
- Total Access Analyzer 2002 supports Access 2002
- Total Access Analyzer 2000 supports Access 2000
- Total Access Analyzer 97 supports Access 97
All versions of Total Access Analyzer can be on the same machine provided that they are installed in separate folders.
Those that have purchased an earlier version of this product are eligible for the upgrade price of the product when purchasing a newer version.
Check the Product Compatibility Chart for version information for all of our products.
For information on the history of Access versions, visit our Microsoft Access Version Releases, Service Packs, Hotfixes, and Updates History page.
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