Total Access Detective finds the differences between any two objects in one Microsoft Access database, including fields, controls, properties, macro lines, module code, and data.
How do I compare Databases under workgroup security with Total Access Detective?
Total Access Detective can compare secured databases if:
- Both databases use the same workgroup security file (*.MDW).
- The user group has open/run permissions for the database (not necessary for specific objects, just needed at the database level).
If you launch the database comparison from the Windows shortcut for Total Access Detective, then open a secure database, you may get this error message:
Error -2147467259, "You do not have the necessary permissions to use the object"
This error indicates that you are trying to compare two databases that use Workgroup security and you haven't provided your credentials. Total Access Detective cannot bypass the security system of Access if you don't have the right to see those objects.
To compare two secured databases, follow these steps:
- Launch Access with your Workgroup Security file (or open your secured database using the Workgroup Security file, then close it without exiting Access).
- Open the Total Access Detective database for comparing databases. This is located in the folder where Total Access Detective is installed:
- For Access 2007 and 2010, it's TADetect.ACCDB
- For Access 2003 or earlier, it's TADetect.MDB
- To compare ADPs, open TADetect.ADP
- The main form appears and you select the databases to compare as you normally would.
You can also create a Windows shortcut that launches Access with your workgroup security information and opens the Total Acess Detective file.
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