Total Access Memo lets you add rich text format (RTF) memos to Microsoft Access with sophisticated editing and spell checking.
How do I use Total Access Memo in an Access tab control?
The Microsoft Access Tab control has intermittent problems with Total Access Memo. These problems manifest themselves as periodic GPF's (General Protection Faults), the Memo control losing the ability to gain focus, or the Memo control remaining focused even though you have changed to a tab that does not contain the control.
It is not recommended that you place Memo on a tab control. A workaround to this issue is to place Total Access Memo on your form, and hide and show the control in the Click event of the tab control. For example: Assume you have a Memo control named tamDemo, and a tab control named tabDemo. To show the Total Access Memo control when the second tab is selected, use code like this:
Private Sub tabDemo_Change() 'Tabs are 0 based Me.tamDemo.Visible = (Me.tabDemo.Value = 1) End Sub
The trick to making this work right is to ensure that the Memo control is NOT on the Tab control, but rather, is placed on the FORM in the same position you would have set it on the Tab control. When the control is made visible, it will appear as though it were on the tab control, even though it is not because you have properly placed the control.
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