Total Access Memo lets you add rich text format (RTF) memos to Microsoft Access with sophisticated editing and spell checking.
How can I get spell checking to work in Total Access Memo 2002?
Total Access Memo uses the spell checker included in Microsoft Office 2000 or XP proofing tools. Please note the following limitation of the Total Access Memo's spell checker:
- In the first release of Total Access Memo 2002, Spell checking features were only available in US-English Windows and Office environments. This issue has been resolved in the latest update.
- In the first release of Total Access Memo 2002, the user was required to have local administrator privileges in order to use spell checking functionality. This issue has been resolved in the latest update.
- The Microsoft Office SpellChecker must be invoked from MS Office *prior* to allowing it to be invoked from our own FMS Rich Text Editor. This means that MS Access, Word, Excel or other MS Office document must have used the Spell Checker for MS Office at least one time prior to invoking it from our application. This only needs to be done one time after the MS Office feature is installed.
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