Total Access Memo lets you add rich text format (RTF) memos to Microsoft Access with sophisticated editing and spell checking.
What are the limitations of Total Access Memo?
Total Access Memo is an ActiveX control that you place on an Access form or report. We've worked hard to minimize the issues in that environment but it is still subject to the limitations of what Access supports with ActiveX controls. These include:
- In reports, the Keep Together property cannot be supported
- In reports, exporting the report to Word does not include the Total Access Memo contents and must be done programmatically.
- In reports, the maximum size for a control is 22". Total Access Memo can store, display, and edit text of much greater length but Access reports have a maximum control and page size of 22 inches. In most cases this is okay. We're talking about one field's value exceeding 22 inches. If the text can be broken up to smaller sizes per field, the data can be display in their entirety. Sometimes changing the font size or paragraph settings can help.
- No support for display in continuous forms
- Cannot be placed directly on a tab control's page, but there is a workaround.
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