Total Access Startup guarantees that your users always launch the right version of Microsoft® Access® with the right version of your Access database.
How do I prepare my database with Total Access Startup so that users always get the latest version of my application?
For standard Microsoft Access Jet databases (MDBs and ACCDBs), Total Access Startup uses a field to determine if the user’s local copy is up-to-date with the "master" copy of the database. Simply create a "Version" table in your database with a field to store the version information. You can even make this table hidden, so your users don't inadvertently modify it.
For Access Data Projects (ADPs), create a custom property for your version information. Creating a custom property is as simple as right-clicking on the ADP in Windows Explorer and opening the Properties dialog to the Version tab. Then just add a new property named "TASVersion" and set the value. That's it!
When you update your application, simply increment the version number in the master database, and all your users are automatically updated the next time they open it.
The Total Access Startup help file includes complete details about preparing your database or ADP for use with Total Access Startup.
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