Total Access Emailer is the world's most popular Microsoft Access email add-in product and VBA code library. Simplify the way you communicate with your contacts, and easily share the data and reports from your Microsoft Access databases with personalized emails for each recipient.
How do I setup my own SMTP Server for Total Access Emailer?
For Total Access Emailer, your SMTP server must be configured to allow relay. For security, you should limit access to specific IP addresses with authentication.
If you do not have an existing SMTP server that allows relay, Windows 2000, XP Professional, and 2003 include it for free and make it easy to setup. See the topic "Installing an SMTP Server" in the Total Access Emailer help file for full details on how to install and configure an SMTP server from your Windows 2000, XP Professional, or 2003 CD.
Additionally, many Internet service providers (ISPs) offer an SMTP server that can be used by their customers. Contact your ISP for details.
Note: Windows Vista does not include an SMTP service. In order to use Windows Vista as your mail server, you must separately install an SMTP service. Refer to the following MSDN article for more information:
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