Can Total Access Emailer send Text Messages?



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    Ken Ridout

    Using Total Access Emailer in our Access 2003 application, we can send a text to a smartphone, but the body text received is garbled characters in upper or lower case and numbers; having no resemblance to the actual text being sent.  
    We can send the same text to an email address (cc) simultaneously with the email to the AT&T text address.  The text in the received email is correct, but the text in the text message received by the phone is garbled characters, numbers, punctuation. 

    We purchased your "Professional" and plan to embed the TAEmailer function into our application for which we have current subscribers. 

    Using SendOne email to send a TXT to a smart phone.  We're typing the parameters and text into the FMS Email test form. 

    The body text: This is a test is being received as garbled upper/lower characters, numbers, and punctuation. 


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