Total Access Emailer is the world's most popular Microsoft Access email add-in product and VBA code library. Simplify the way you communicate with your contacts, and easily share the data and reports from your Microsoft Access databases with personalized emails for each recipient.
We recently added a feature to preserve the last location and size of its forms and datasheet columns. An error occurs in certain situations.
When launching the Total Access Emailer add-in from a database, it may crash with error 3270 in procedure IsWindowOverlapping.
The problem occurs for databases from Access 2003 or earlier that were never set with Access options. Technically, the database's UseMDIMode property doesn't exist.
To correct this, follow these steps:
- With your database open in Access, go to the menu: File -> Options. It should be similar to the screenshot below.
- Click OK.
- Run Total Access Emailer again.
This will be corrected in a future release of Total Access Emailer.
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